HBC Solid Grosgrain Ribbon
<p><em>Our HBC signature grosgrain ribbon line!</em></p> <p>Popular for hair bows and crafting - our ribbed grosgrain ribbon is the perfect hair ribbon and has a lovely sheen and is sturdy to hold it&#39;s shape, but not stiff and scratchy!&nbsp; Our product line features a modern color palette that is a great mix of classic and trendy colors that have been carefully curated to reflect current fashion ribbon color trends for wedding, clothing fashion, and even popular cheer team colors.</p> <p>Available in small quantities as low as 3 to 5 yards up to bulk wholesale ribbon 100 yard reels in 107 colors and 9 widths.</p> <p><em>Want to see every color of solid grosgrain ribbon we offer in one place? View all HairBow Center and Offray grosgrain ribbon lines conveniently combined together on our <a href="grosgrain-ribbon-by-color" title="Grosgrain Ribbon Colors">All Solid Grosgrain Ribbon Colors</a> page!</em></p> <p>Wanting to purchase large quantities? Inquire about our bulk&nbsp;<a href="/page/wholesale-accounts" target="_self" title="wholesale ribbon">wholesale ribbon</a> pricing!</p>