Hi! Danielle here from Korker Krazy! Today I am going to show you how to make simple bow clips using just a few items!
Who doesn't love simple and cute? These clips are a quick craft that is sure to accessorize any outfit! Supplies: 3/8" Grosgrain Ribbon 1 3/4" Alligator Clip Hot Glue Gun & Glue Sticks Rotary Cutter (optional - you can use scissors) LighterFirst use your rotary cutter to cut three strips of your 3/8" grosgrain ribbon. Cut your first strip at 4.5", your second strip at 3.5" and your third strip at 1.5".
Heat seal all of your ribbon ends with your lighter. Do not skip this step! It is very important to heat seal the ribbon ends so they don't fray.
Now you are going to line your alligator clip! For this step you will need your 4.5" strip of 3/8" ribbon. We are going to start on the back of the clip (the flat side). Put a line of hot glue on the clip - Start above the slit in the clip and continue until the end. Place one end of your ribbon on the line of glue and press down for a few seconds.
Next, Put a dab of glue on both inner sides of the hinge and quickly fold the ribbon inside. Then, put a line of glue from the top of the clip to right above the slit and quickly fold your ribbon over. Make sure your ribbon is even on the clip.
Finally, hold your clip open and put a line of glue from the back of the clip to the tip. Quickly fold your ribbon inside and press down with your thumb smoothing out the glue.
Woo-hoo! Your clip is now lined!
Now you are going to make the loop. For this step use your 3.5" strip of 3/8" ribbon. Glue both ends together to form a circle. Next, put a line of glue across the inside seam (where you glued the ends together) and press the top of the loop down. For this step I suggest you test out pressing the loop down before you add the glue - You want to make 2 even loops.
Take your ribbon lined clip and put a line of hot glue across the top - now place your loop evenly on top of the clip and press it down flat.
Finally, you are going to wrap the clip with your 1.5" stip of 3/8" ribbon. Flip your clip to the back and hold it open. Add a line of hot glue in the middle (where the seam of your loop is directly above) and place one end of your ribbon across it, pressing down. Wrap the ribbon across the top and back over the part that you just glued down. Now, put a small dab of glue and press the end down. If you realize your ribbon is hanging out past the clip trim it up before gluing down - just make sure you heat seal the end again!
You are all finished! Aren't they so cute?! Hairbow Center has so many amazing 3/8" prints you can use for these! I love making them in all different color combos! You can even line your clip with one color and make your loop a different color. Get creative! I would love to see your creations in the comments below!
I hope you all enjoyed my tutorial as much as I enjoyed making it for you!