Supplies Needed:
3/8" Grosgrain Ribbon - Christmas Prints Elastic Hair Tie Needle & Upholstery Thread Hot Glue Gun & Glue Scissors Lighter
Cut your ribbons. Cut each ribbon to 12". I cut 9 pieces of different 3/8" printed ribbons, 1 piece of ric rac and 1 strand of sequins. Using different kinds of ribbon will help give your finished streamer a unique look.
Heat seal all of your ribbon ends by gently running your lighter across them.
Line up your ribbons in the order you want them on your streamer.
Thread your needle and get ready to add your ribbon pieces to it.
Fold each piece in half to crease the center so that you can easily locate the center when threading.

Thread your needle through the center of your ribbon.
Thread your next ribbon through the needle, on top of the first ribbon.
Keep all of your ribbons on your needle.
Continue adding your ribbon pieces onto your needle. Make sure they are all centered onto the ribbon.
Finish adding the last piece onto the needle.
Spread your ribbons out. We want to be able to see all of the ribbons on the finished streamer. Hold your ribbons and thread your needle through the center several times.
Wrap the thread around the center of the streamer several times and tie a knot. Leave your thread attached to the streamer.
Separate each piece of your thread, add some hot glue in the center and press your ponytail elastic down in the glue.
Wrap your thread around the center of the elastic and the streamer to tightly secure them together. Tie several knots on the back and cut your thread.
Use a piece of coordinating 3/8" ribbon to create a knot.
Hot glue the knot to the front center of your pony streamer.
Heat seal the end of the ribbon and wrap it around the back of your streamer, glue it down.
Wrap the other end of ribbon around the back of the streamer. Cut and heat seal the ribbon end, glue it down. Once the glue dries, you can pull back your hair with your new ponytail ribbon streamers!